KillaCycle at Las Vegas on June 20th & 21st

The Motorcycle Drag Racing Association has invited the KillaCycle to make exhibition passes at their event at Las Vegas drag strip on June 20th and June 21st. As always, we are out to set new NEDRA world records.

Please join us in Las Vegas and drop by to see the KillaCycle, (and us) in person. You are more than welcome to stop by and see us in the pits, take pictures, and take videos. If all goes well, you could see yet another world record!

4 thoughts on “KillaCycle at Las Vegas on June 20th & 21st

  1. is the frame and cowlings a cfiber composite? less weight = add speed. would a sponser in this area be redundant?

    Cowling is fiber glass. We would not mind carbon fiber, but with our limited budget it makes sense to spend that money on other parts of the bike that get more performance per dollar.

    I’ve never seen a frame made of carbon fiber in drag racing. I’m not even sure if they would allow it.

  2. hi guys i think you lot are right on the button with your ecodragbike and these fosil fuel fools are living in the past,anyway we’re backyard boys into fun& enjoyment somehow we made the New Zealand dragracing team on a tran-tasman challange to austrailer so from a parttime dragstrip(smallplane runway) to willowbank raceway(the biggest event outside the USA)WE’RE DOING IT and its got me thinking dragracing is a mountain and everybody picks there own way over it and the path my team wants to take is in the footsteps of the killacycle i’ve a good team of quick thinking builders and we would like to start a common kinship in building our own ecodragbike and think the best place to start is with contact and advice from your team thanks .GO HARD

  3. what time will this be going on? i know they have a fathers day event that weekend. will this be part of the same event?

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